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Research group

Advanced Fibre Applications

Digital green colour wave

We are dedicated to exploring advanced applications of cutting-edge optical fibres, with a special emphasis on hollow core fibres. These fibres are designed and fabricated by the Zepler Institute Hollow Core Fibre group, while our group focuses on aspects of these newly-emerging fibres from the ‘user perspective’.


Our group discovers new areas where optical fibres can revolutionize the field and collaborates with world-leading researchers in these areas. We also develop components needed to use these new fibres, e.g., their interfacing to existing systems. 

As well as this, we specialize in time and frequency metrology, working closely with the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), benefiting from emerging technologies such as Optical Frequency Combs. We study how improved timing accuracy will improve a range of applications from telecom/datacom to navigation, and fundamental physics (e.g., gravitational waves detection, quantum, study of chemical reactions, etc.).  

Specific topics of interest are:  

  • Distributed measurement techniques along fibres mainly for their characterization, but also applicable to distributed sensing 
  • Studying components made of hollow core fibres such as high-finesse Fabry-Perot resonators
  • Evacuation of hollow core fibres to enhance their performance in selected applications such as ultrastable fibre interferometers  
  • Hollow core fibres with reduced sensitivity to environment changes (temperature, vibration, acoustic) and their applications 
  • Ultra-stable fibre interferometers and lasers (“stable optical oscillators”) locked to these stable references 
  • Timing and frequency distribution for high-resolution ranging, spectroscopy, microwave generation, astronomy, geodesy, sensing, etc. 
  • High-fidelity generation and transmission of THz signals 


People, projects, publications and PhDs


Mr Bertalan Patko


Tel: +447845856720

Address: B53, West Highfield Campus, University Road, SO17 1BJ

Mr Bo Shi


Address: B46, West Highfield Campus, University Road, SO17 1BJ

Dr Meng Ding

Research Fellow

Dr Mohammad Mousavi

Senior Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Design and modeling hollow core fibers for special applications (polarization maintaining, sensing application, modal control, etc).
  • Nonlinear optics: pulse compression and Raman Generation in gas-filled fibers, soliton generation, etc.
  • Coherent control on metamaterials


Address: B53, West Highfield Campus, University Road, SO17 1BJ

Dr Natalie Wheeler

Principal Research Fellow


Address: B53, West Highfield Campus, University Road, SO17 1BJ

Professor Radan Slavik

Professorial Fellow-Research

Research interests

  • Fibre optics
  • Ultrastable fibre interferometers
  • High-accuracy measurement

Accepting applications from PhD students


Address: B46, West Highfield Campus, University Road, SO17 1BJ

Mr Win Indra

Mr Xuhao Wei


Address: B46, West Highfield Campus, University Road, SO17 1BJ

Connect with us


Professor Radan Slavik welcomes email enquiries.