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Primary Care Research Centre

Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE)

PPIE is research that is done ‘with’ or ‘by’ the public, not simply ‘to’, ‘about’ or ‘for’ them.

The government funded national advisory group INVOLVE aims to advance public involvement in research. Involving the public ensures that researchers are putting public need and opinion at the centre of their research. Members of the public who choose to become involved in research are known as ‘Public Contributors’.

Within our Centre there are many different opportunities for Public Contributors to get involved in research in this way. The Primary Care Research Centre (PCRC) have a programme of community outreach, led by the Finding Out Together Team, to involve and engage the public with research. 

Why is PPIE in research important? 

PPIE brings a valuable different perspective to researchers. When researchers consider this viewpoint, it helps them ask the right questions and choose the most important health outcomes for their study. This not only improves the study experience for participants but also enhances the overall quality of the research. 

Given the value of PPIE in research, it is not surprising that most funders now require all researchers to include a PPIE plan in their research funding applications. 

What are the benefits of getting involved? 

People join research for various reasons. Some are interested in specific illnesses, wanting to learn and influence patient choices and treatments.  

Public and Patient Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) offers a chance to meet new people, acquire skills, and understand NHS research better.  

It's open to everyone, regardless of qualifications, and many find it a rewarding and positive experience. 

What do Public Contributors do? 

There are various chances for the public to get involved. The role of the public contributor changes from study to study. Some studies may need just a one-time task, like reading an information leaflet, while others might need a longer commitment, like being part of a study from its design to sharing the results.  

The "research cycle" describes the journey of a research study from the idea to sharing findings. Public contributors are encouraged to be involved in every step of this cycle. 

Meet our PPIE Team 

Get involved

If you would like to get involved, please complete our Patient & Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Registration Form.

View our Welcome pack.

Connect with us 

Email Sonia and Kate at