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Periodic Flow in a Wavy Channel

1, Problem Description

2, Instruction - geometry and mesh

Wave wall profile data

Movie I. (mpg format, 9mb) instruction

More details.

3, Instruction - Fluent settings and results

Movie II. (mpg format, 6mb) instruction

More details of Fluent settings and results.

4, Instruction - Fluent post-processing

Movie III. (mpg format, 9mb) instruction

More details of Fluent post-processing.



1. Kuzan, J.D., Velocity Measurements for Turbulent Separated and Near-Separated Flows Over Solid Waves, Ph.D. thesis, Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. Illinois, Urbana, IL, 1986.

2. Poroseva S & Iaccarino G, 2001, Simulating separated flows using the k-e model, Center for Turbulence Research Annual Research Briefs 2001, 375-383. http://ctr.stanford.edu/ResBriefs01/poroseva2.pdf

3. Gunther A & von Rohr PR, 2003, Large-scale structures in a developed flow over a wavy wall, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 478, pp. 257-285.


Please report if you find a problem in the instructions.

Updated: 07-Oct-2008