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Instruction - Fluent post-processing


Again, note to save your data frequently->File->Write->Case & Data


Define Custom Field Function

Define->Custom Field Functions->Field Functions->X Velocity->Select(Vx will jump into the Definition cell->click the / on the screen->click 0, . , 8, 1, 6 buttons one by one ->New Function Name: x-vel-norm (which is the normalised x-velocity)->Define


Draw x-y plots

Plot->XY plot ->in Solution XY Plot panel, Y Axis Function: Custom Field Function: x-vel-norm; X Axis Vector: Direction Vector; Surfaces: x=0.25 (which is on the crest); Plot Direction, X:0; Y:1; Option, click Node Values & Position on X Axis.->Plot-> go back to in Solution XY Plot panel, choose both x=0.25 & x=0.75 (which is on the trough); keep the other parameters unchanged ->Plot -> you will see two profiles.


Output the data to a file for further processing

go back to in Solution XY Plot panel->click Write to File & Order of Points, and keep the other settings unchanged ->Write->choose a folder where you want to put the asc file, and type a name, e.g. x_vel_norm_x025075.dat.


Compare the numerical data with measurements

Download (and save) the measured x-vel-norm velocity profile on the crest (x=0.25) from crest_exp.dat , note here the y-coordinates takes the wall as the origin, see Fig 5.4.1 in val05.pdf .

Also download the measured x-vel-norm velocity profile on the trough(x=0.75) from trough_exp.dat


Open the x_vel_norm_x025075.dat, crest_exp.dat & trough_exp.dat in MS Excel. Note you need to modify the y-coodinate a bit for x_vel_norm_x025075.dat to make it consistent with that in crest_exp.dat & trough_exp.dat (see Fig 5.4.1 and 5.4.3 for refs).


Plot velocity vectors.

Display->Vectors->in Vectors panel, Vectors of: Velocity; Color by: Velocity, Velocity Magnitude; Surface: default-interior;Options:click Global Range, Auto Range, Auto Scale; Style: arrow; Scale:1; Skip: 0. -> in the vectors screen, you can play a bit with it (e.g. zoom in at the trough, strong separation bubble is seen).


Plot stream lines

Display->Pathlines->in Pathlines panel, Release from Surfaces: x=0.75, keep the other settings as the default.->Display->again, you can zoom in the Pathline sreen.


Save your data!


Updated: 07-Oct-2008