PRB stuff - New Birkin group research web pages

‘We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.’
Oscar Wilde
Lady Windermere’s Fan
Birkin Research Group
Particles, bubbles and sound, at the interface.
Northern Lights
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Dr Peter Birkin
My research group investigates transient events using electrochemistry as its primary sensing strategy.  This involves the use of novel techniques, equipment and electrode/pore structures.  This is a rewarding and challenging research area.  Luckily, I have been fortunate to have worked with a group of people who have produced both high quality results and an enjoyable lab environment.  In addition, the group has produced, not only stimulating academic discoveries, but novel technologies which may have significant impact in the non-academic world.  Readers are directed to the references and patents section for further information.

Personal interests
Experimental science is a rewarding occupation and I enjoy working in the lab, with my group and on novel experimental techniques designed to measure processes at electrode surfaces with high temporal and spatial accuracy.  Electronics is a bit of a 'hobby' of mine but has proved to be very useful from a technical/experiment perspective.  This activity has benefited immensely from other inputs outside of chemistry.  Central to this is my good friend Ron who I met while working in Utah.  Ron is a 'one of a kind' and, even though not all our conversations are repeatable, they are always enjoyable!  I have recently taken up an interest in Ham radio.
I also enjoy squash, tennis and cycling and wish I had more time for them.
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