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Research project

Lessons for Governing

Project overview

Funding to work with the Institute for Government on analysing their Ministers Reflect archive. Ministers Reflect is a source of rare interpretive insight into the heart of British government, with an archive of over 100 semi-structured interviews with former Ministers in British government. The research team will draw on expertise in political ethnography and gender analysis to subject the archive to rigorous scholarly analysis for the first time. The award will also enable them to link emerging insights to existing expertise in executive government and promote key lessons for governing in Britain.


Lead researcher

Professor Roderick Rhodes DPhil, FAcSS, FASSA

Professor of Government (Research)

Research interests

  • Public Administration
  • Public Policy
  • Comparative Politics
Connect with Roderick

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Jessica Smith, Daniel Devine & John Boswell, 2022
Type: report