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Ho that sith him one the rode: manuscript
London, British Library, MS Harley 7322, f. 7r

  f. 7r (full page) | the poem (enlarged) | description of MS""

The poem is the last item on the page (click for enlargement).


Description: see Catalogue of the Harleian Manuscripts in the British Museum, vol. 3 (1808), p. 525 (in Latin). Edition: F. J. Furnivall, ed., Political, Religious and Love Poems from Lambeth MS. 306 an other sources, EETS, 15 (London, 1866): this poem p. 249.
The MS is in a variety of hands, and includes fragments from different MSS bound together. It includes moral and theological extracts from Scripture, and from classical and medieval authors, interspersed with lyrics in French and English, followed by what appear to be miscellaneous preaching materials. The script used for the poem is Anglicana Formata, a rather more formal version of the main English cursive script of the fourteenth century, Anglicana.
The poem is preceded by a Latin passage, attributed in the MS to Bernard of Clairvaux, on Christ's refusal to scorn the poor or hate the sinner, even those who crucified him; alongside is written in red Vnde Anglice ('Hence in English'), linked by an elaborate connecting bracket in red to the English poem.

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Set up by Bella Millett, enm@soton.ac.uk. Last updated 05 March 2003 . London, British Library, MS Harley 7322, f. 7r, reproduced by permission of the British Library; no further reproduction permitted.